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Explore your Prosecution Health Dashboard 

Can you evaluate your firm's patent performance, save an at-risk client relationship, and identify a new business opportunity – all in just a few minutes?

Juristat's new Prosecution Health Dashboard gives firms an honest, data-driven look at the strength of their patent prosecution – and provides actionable strategies to strengthen it even further. Sign up to see your firm's dashboard.→ 

Do you know your firm's Health Score?

How would you grade your firm's prosecution performance? Juristat's new Prosecution Health Dashboard has the answer, with our new Prosecution Health Score. 

This overall score combines four distinct metrics – normalized allowance rate, normalized average office actions, filing volume, and distribution of pending applications. We suggest checking your dashboard regularly to assess how your score has changed and why. 

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Not a Juristat Analytics subscriber? Get a free preview of your dashboard.

“There’s a lot of competition, lots of price pressure, and having these patent metrics can help us save our clients time and cost during the prosecution process."

– Tracy Dann, Director of Marketing at Patterson Thuente IP

Identify potential new clients

We put the entire USPTO data set at your fingertips, helping you discover potential new client relationships.

 Thanks to our industry-leading database of more than 10M patent applications, we can compare your firm's performance against the assignee's current representation to help you pinpoint the right new business development opportunities for your firm.

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Manage and grow current client relationships

Fostering healthy client partnerships has never been easier. Juristat combines key performance metrics and competitive intelligence data to analyze your current client portfolio and identify which are healthy, which have the most growth potential, and which are at risk. 

Evaluate effectiveness and efficiency 

We know you don't always have time for in-depth analysis. Juristat lets you dig deeper when you have the time – and this dashboard puts the most critical insight right at your fingertips when you need it. 

Your Prosecution Health Dashboard features analysis only found in Juristat, including: 

  • Normalized allowance rate and office actions
  • Distribution of work across your client portfolio 
  • Year-over-year filing growth rate  

What is a Normalized Allowance Rate? Learn more about the new metric.

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Harness the insight of Juristat with free access

Not yet a Juristat Analytics subscriber? You can still get free access to your firm's dashboard! Simply fill out the form and keep an eye on your inbox. We'll send you a custom log-in to view your firm's data. 


Preparing a Compelling Pitch Deck

Show, don't tell. Today's most successful law firms effectively use data to communicate what sets their team apart from the competition. 

Watch the webinar.

Are you ready to transform your patent practice?

Your Prosecution Health Dashboard is just the beginning. Whether it’s streamlining your processes, bringing consistency to your prosecution, or discovering potential new business opportunities – we’ve got the tools to make it easier.

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