We'll take care of your OA prep – so you can focus on more important work.

Juristat Office Action Response (OAR) makes responding to office actions easy, delivering a single digital packet with all the necessary documentation and background information you need to craft a response – all within three business days, and with zero work by your team.

Each OAR packet includes:

  • A fully customized OA response and client letter
  • The cited prior art
  • The most recent amended version of the claims 
  • A text-searchable copy of the office action
  • Juristat's industry-leading examiner and art unit reports
OAR Dashboard Mockup

“I would definitely recommend it to other firms. For firms like ours, Juristat OAR works well.”

 – Jack Cook, Partner, Quarles

See how it works. 

Just like an efficient assembly line, Juristat OAR works behind the scenes to automatically detect office actions and build custom response packets – all without you or your team having to do a thing. 

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1-4 Detect and collect

From the moment an office action is issued, our software gets to work

Once an OA is detected, our software automatically downloads all prior art cited, including NPL and foreign citations. We'll provide you with OCRed copies of the office action itself, as well as the most recent version of the claims.

2-4 Build

Assembling your custom response packet

Our software then gets to work building your OA response shell and client letter, fully customized based on your desired formatting. Our client success team will help you designate formatting ahead of time, crafting custom templates based on attorney docket number or customer number.

3-4 Review 

The best of artificial and human intelligence

During prosecution, small mistakes can turn into costly delays. While our software does most of the heavy lifting, we also have a team of dedicated analysts reviewing the work to ensure the quality of each and every packet.

4-3 Delivery

Delivered securely within three days

And just like that, we're ready to go. Within three days of the OA being issued, you'll receive a complete, ready-to-download OAR packet in your email inbox. You can also log in to our OAR Manager – one simple interface to manage and access all of your packets. 

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The Game-Changing Impact of Juristat Office Action Response

Manual preparation of office action responses, long the norm in the patent field, is no longer sufficient. In this case study, learn how Quarles & Brady uses Juristat OAR to:

  • minimize the cost and time delay of manual preparation of OA responses
  • leverage staff for billable tasks, increasing revenue
  • implement a new process without interruption to workflows 

Read the case study→

“Partnering with Juristat was definitely the right decision for our team.

Harness IP is able to save as much as 60 minutes on each office action response, freeing up time for more valuable work. Ready to see how Juristat OAR can transform your practice?

A few commonly asked questions:

First, talk to our sales team. They will walk you through the process and get your initial 2-week trial scheduled.

Before your trial starts, our client success team will hold an onboarding session to get you set up with a Juristat account, upload your Response and Client Letter template, and train you on the process of accessing and downloading your OAR packets.

Yes! During your initial 2-week trial, Juristat will deliver a maximum of five (5) OAR packets per day. Typically, customers identify specific applications or specific clients they would like to see packets generated for during the trial.

Yes! Our AI detects new office actions as they happen without you even having to alert us. This includes preliminary office actions under the document codes OA.FAI and OA.FAI.PRELM.

The security of your data is of the utmost importance to us. All myUSPTO accounts that you sponsor are unique for your firm with two-factor authentication and a unique password that is rotated as required/recommended by the USPTO to further limit the risk and extent of a breach.

Additionally, Juristat conducts annual penetration tests to ensure we are employing state-of-the-art security protocols. Additionally, each client's non-published data is stored with a unique encryption key, separated from all other clients on an AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). All network traffic into and out of the VPC is secured via SSL encryption, and maintenance access to all services and databases inside the VPC is carefully monitored and limited. Juristat developers do have access to code repositories on their local development machines. All routes are served over HTTPS, including authentication routes. Our state-of-the-art authentication provider is thoroughly audited, including SOC 2 Type II auditing, and holds rigorous certifications, including ISO27001 and ISO27018.

The price of Juristat OAR varies based on the number of office actions we’ll be processing for your firm. Some of our customers have us prepare packets for 100% of their office actions, others start with a percentage and increase utilization over time. Our sales team will work with you to find the best fit.

Let our analysts show you how much easier OA preparation can be.

Say goodbye to repetitive data entry and time-consuming document review. Let us show you how Juristat OAR can save you time, increase firm profitability, and improve staff morale. 

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Stop wasting time annotating figure drawings

Imagine sitting down to review that office action waiting in your inbox, and when you come across a complex figure drawing, each component is already labeled for you.

No flipping back and forth. No need to find the matching number in the description. No fussing with the formatting. 

With Detailed Figure Annotations included in your Juristat OAR subscription, you can cut another tedious task off your to-do list. Want to get on the waitlist for this new product? Sign up here.→

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