You know that predicting examiner behavior is crucial to finding the shortest path to an allowance, but without the right data, you’re merely guessing.

Modern IP professionals rely on Juristat Analytics to make strategic, data-driven decisions about patent prosecution. This webinar is ideal for firms and corporate IP leaders looking to incorporate analytics into their processes. 

Will an interview lead to an allowance? Should you appeal? Is it time to abandon? How long is too long between filing and the first office action?

In this 30-minute webinar, we'll cover: 
  • Key metrics to predict examiner behavior 
  • Why data-driven strategies win at the USPTO
  • Leveraging examiner procrastination, or end-loading, to your advantage
  • And tackle some FAQs we hear from clients, providing you with practical insights and answers
Don't miss this opportunity to overcome common challenges and enhance your patent strategy. Sign up to access the webinar. 
Sign up to access our webinar, Predicting Examiner Behavior: Data-Driven Strategies for Patent Success: